Podcast Addict

Podcast Addict

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Manage podcasts, YouTube, RSS news in one app. Stream and download content with a player and radios.

Podcast Addict is a versatile application that allows users to conveniently manage their podcasts, YouTube channels, and RSS news in one place. With this app, users can easily access and enjoy the content they want to listen to, read, and watch without missing a beat. Not only does Podcast Addict support streaming, but it also allows users to download files for offline viewing. The app comes equipped with an audio and video player that seamlessly resumes playback where you left off, eliminating the hassle of having to restart. Additionally, users have access to a wide selection of radio stations from seven different countries, which they can listen to live or explore past transmissions. The app offers various categories for users to discover new content, as well as the option to import content from iTunes. Podcast Addict provides recommendations and a top 50 list for each category, allowing users to easily stay up-to-date with popular podcasts. Furthermore, users have the ability to share their discoveries with contacts, making Podcast Addict a valuable tool for managing multimedia content.

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